Elementum 3D Celebrates 10 Years of AM Materials Innovation

10 Years Anniverary - Elementum 3D

This October, Elementum 3D proudly celebrates 10 years in business and the ongoing commitment to push the limits of what is possible and expand the adoption of additive manufacturing (AM). Over the past decade, the company has grown from a concept developed in a small corner of a warehouse to a globally recognized leader in the development and supply of new and enhanced high-performance metal alloy powders.

Reaching this milestone is a testament to more than one or two people, it’s because of the initial and current investors, employees, and supporters that believe in the company’s ability to release groundbreaking materials into the AM community. They defined what Elementum 3D is as a company and what sort of difference it could make in the 3D printing industry. The success picture would not be complete without thanking our industry partners and all the third-party companies for their support and loyalty.

“I never would have predicted where Elementum 3D would take me. I’ve traveled all over the world, gone to factories, and worked with customers I would have never thought possible. It’s been incredible. I appreciate all those who have supported and even cheered on Elementum 3D from the sidelines over the past 10 years. I can’t wait to see what’s next,” said Dr. Jacob Nuechterlein, president and founder of Elementum 3D.

The original vision for Elementum 3D was to fill the huge metal materials gap in the AM market — the printability of metal alloy materials without compromising on material properties. The additive manufacturing industry was different in 2014, printable materials were extremely limited compared to CNC machine shop materials. The industry had to settle for what was out there. Elementum 3D thought differently, which has significantly impacted the adoption of AM as a viable manufacturing option.

Elementum 3D been scaling at an exciting pace every year and has established company fundamentals to effectively address the challenge of future growth. The next stage in the company’s journey is transitioning from supporting R&D programs and projects to full-scale production and commercialization. Leadership and staff are preparing to match the large materials orders associated with the next phase of AM to fend off shortages in raw materials, which can often choke an industry.

“We’re seeing the AM industry shift from hypothetical to the real phase of commercialization, this transition to serial production capability and capacity will be the most exciting thing I’ve seen or been a part of since Elementum 3D was founded in 2014.” Jacob goes on to say, “everything leading up to now has been practice, preparing to be ready for the real show.”

For more information about Elementum 3D and its 10 years of service, visit www.elementum3d.com.


Patrick Callard Chief Marketing Officer

Patrick Callard earned a B.B.A. in advertising from Western Michigan University in 1990. He provides over 30 years of experience in marketing communications, new business development and market outreach.
He has managed multiple marketing projects and budgets for a variety of services and products.

Patrick also successfully grew an IT consulting business from a two-man basement business to a profitable eight employee business in 4-years. Patrick’s daily focus is to unify customer experience, brand purpose, creative communication, and marketing technology to drive the growth of the business.

Tyler Blumenthal

Tyler Blumenthal

Sales Manager, RPM Innovations, Inc.

Tyler’s message will key on blown powder Directed Energy Deposition (L-DED) for AM and repair and why this process is being realized by industry as one of the key pillars in printing thin wall part structures and large part envelope requirements.

Shawn Allan

Shawn Allan

Vice President, Lithoz America, LLC

Shawn will reveal how Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing (LCM) is producing high resolution, high performance technical ceramics that can serve a wide range of applications and structural materials, such as alumina, zirconia, and silicon nitride. He will also touch on how LCM has progressed into multi-material components incorporating ceramics and metals.

Jeff Lints

Jeff Lints

Founder/CEO, Fortius Metals, Inc.

Jeff’s presentation will focus on the advances in wire DED, including welding processes for wire DED (arc, laser, and e-beam), next-generation alloys for large format metal 3D printing, and use cases that can benefit from replacing large forgings, replacing large machined billets, and producing advanced tooling — enabling next generation designs.

Dr. Jacob Nuechterlein

President/Founder Elementum 3D

Dr. Jacob Nuechterlein is the founder and president of Elementum 3D in Erie, CO. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy at the Colorado School of Mines. Jacob has been researching, teaching, or consulting on topics such as casting and powder metallurgy for the last 14 years. Elementum 3D’s work with powder bed laser additive manufacturing is based on these principles. In addition, is thesis work in thermodynamics and formation kinetics of metal matrix composites is directly related to all 3D printing processes.