IN625-RAM2 Optimized Parameters for Unparalleled Speed
Elementum 3D is excited to announce the pilot release of a new high-speed printing parameter set for our IN625-RAM2 enhanced nickel superalloy. Our team worked in concert to optimize the print speed of IN625-RAM2 and mechanical properties through the development of 80µm and 100µm layer parameters. Their hard work paid off. This innovation boosts production capacity and reduces the print cost of components additively manufactured with IN625-RAM2.
Elementum 3D’s IN625-RAM2 80µm layer process parameters enable printing real parts in less than half the time of EOS 40µm performance 1.10 parameters. While the exact time savings depend on the complexity and volume of the parts being printed, a case study with a full plate of high complexity parts resulted in 57% faster printing, while a build comprised of 20 simple test specimens delivered 61% faster printing.
IN625-RAM2 is an enhanced Inconel 625 material developed by Elementum 3D that contains 98% commercial grade Inconel 625 and 2% Reactive Additive Manufacturing (RAM) additions. The RAM product phases increase nucleation during solidification and provide dispersion strengthening to IN625. This results in a highly printable alloy with good room and high temperature strength as well as excellent corrosion resistance. These characteristics are ideal for IN625-RAM2 to be employed wherever Inconel 625 is used today including oil and gas, marine, aerospace, and other applications. The RAM additions also make the alloy a preferred choice for many applications that would otherwise require a higher strength alloy like Inconel 718, without needing a complex heat treatment.
Incodema3D is already taking advantage of these benefits to offer high-performance IN625-RAM2 printed parts with great pricing.

Elementum 3D headquarters relocation is locked-in
Elementum 3D is thrilled to announce the relocation of its headquarters to a recently constructed building in Thornton, Colorado. The lease of the nearly 34,000 square foot office space was signed on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, and relocation is scheduled to be completed in Q4-2023.
“Elementum 3D has had a presence in Erie, Colorado since 2014, but we are very excited to have a space purposefully built for us,” said Dr. Jacob Nuechterlein, President and Founder, Elementum 3D, Inc. “We are actively involving our colleagues in the transition process to develop space that streamlines workflow, builds relationships, and gives us the room we need to grow.”
The consolidation of the two Erie-based locations under one roof in Thornton will expand opportunities for our teams to collaborate with each other and continue to provide a nurturing environment for further team innovation and increased operating efficiencies. The new corporate headquarters includes upgraded office amenities and larger workspaces, all designed to provide the necessary infrastructure for the staff to continue to build on its current momentum and sales in the United States and International markets.
“Elementum 3D is growing. Part of our growth strategy is to expand our capability to produce the highest quality products and services for our customers. Moving into this new facility, which has been designed to meet our unique needs, is a major step forward for us and our company.” said Chief Operations Officer Thom Stalcup.
The relocation supports the needs of Elementum 3D’s dynamic business and operations. It is the logical next step in our growth strategy of better accommodating future business expansion while simultaneously advancing and sustaining industry adoption of the thriving additive manufacturing technology.
We look forward to this exciting new chapter in our growth and welcoming our employees, customers, and investors to our new headquarters facility.
AMUG 2023 review
Once again, the Additive Manufacturing User Group (AMUG) event upheld its reputation as the place to mix, mingle, share, and learn with and from the passionate attendees and special guests. Having AM companies that share a commonality, owners of 3D printers, under one roof made for fertile ground to explore new ideas, establish partnerships, and expand customer base.
We enjoyed connecting with industry leaders and being energized by new users. Now it’s time to use this year’s AMUG experience to forge ahead with new insights, opportunities, and solutions.
Bridging the Gap webinar recording is now available
Thank you to everyone who attended “The Science Behind Successful AM Business Cases” webinar on Wednesday, March 8th.
We hope you enjoyed the experience and learned some valuable insights you can apply to current and future additive manufacturing projects. In case you would like to revisit the webinar, you can access the recording here.
Please feel free to pass the link along to colleges who may be interested in implementing AM technology as a solution to the development of their next project. We look forward to your attendance at our next webinar.

Upcoming events
Rapid+TCT – May 2-4 | Chicago, IL USA | Booth 3051

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